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PCI Compliance Management Service

Compliance Management and Collaborations made simple



Yes! Compliance management made simple

Changes, by simplify and proactive
Traditional Process
  • Paperwork high overheads
  • PCI Evidence provision burden
  • Comprehending PCI objective demands
  • Unable to manage and view process
  • Time and highly expensive in involve personal
Knowledge Management based enhancement Process
  • Management role can right on to project status
  • All records on demands
  • Hands on the newest objectives with tips
  • Lowest compliance cost
  • Timely manage project, with IM and Alerts

Simplify the expertise to get better ROI

Achieve compliance with full controls
300% more efficient

  • Replace traditional paperwork process, emails, evidence collection bouncing loops
Intuit process

  • Reduce learning curve by focus on tips and submitting just what are tip
Intelligent Notification

  • Notify by scheduling or proactive prompt corresponding personnel when new event come up
Fastest flows for compliance completion

  • Relive the burden from PCI project management, focus on the core of what matters, in quality, completion, and time
Collaboration enhancement

  • Effective communication methods, task tracking, event notifications. Rapidly solve issue in compliance when issues occur

Make sure you see the changes where you care about

Based on compliance demands, HR allocations, and timing WBS (Work Breakdown System), as the three core of management design principles: giving all personnel whom assigned to the compliance project years of consulting experiences, audit reviews, up to date PCI objectives.

Collaborative Compliance

Save mores resources by doing less

Compliances Controls

  • Comprehend and manage ALL PCI control objectives unit
  • Monitoring activities and assignment progress and results
  • Proactive with new compliance requirement, changes recording seamlessly building KM

Team Resources Allocations

  • Work seamlessly across your organization on a platform designed for collaboration
  • Assignment and notification with alerts and messaging response tracking
  • Stay compliance with changes in HR and third-party providers

Granular Time Control

  • Keep records of compliance up to date by nonstop management of compliance objectives
  • Proactive time management in compliance matters
  • View changes in time on the matters you care