About us

Secure Vectors Information Technologies, Inc. (SVITI) is a consulting firm specialized in providing payment card related security consulting and assessment services. We are a leading and one of the largest services vendors in the Asia Pacific region in this field. SVITI is the first batch of QSA Company that passed the PCI 3DS standard qualification exam after PCI SSC released the 3DS standard.

Payment Services

SVITI is dedicated to making the payments ecosystem safe. Rapid developments in technologies are changing the payments landscape, such as tokenization, mobile, APP based payments, increasing hacker sophistication, and require all stakeholders to continuously up the game on the security aspect of payment systems. We specialize in all aspects of the protection of personal data in card payment processes, in accordance with the highest established international standards by delivering the highest quality consulting, audit, and assessment services to payment services providers, card issuers, acquirers, merchants, and third-party processors.

Secure Vectors global presence

Our Team

Our consultants and assessors are all from payment services, security services, and IT fields, team members are certified by relevant international bodies, such as PCI SSC, for our work.

Qualification TYPE description Issuing authority

PCI Data Security Standard Qualified Security Assessor

PCI 3 Domain Security Qualified Security Assessor

Certified Information Systems Security Professional

Certified Ethic Hacker

Our Services

PCI DSS  Assessment and Consulting Services

  • PCI DSS Compliance Assessment (Level 1-4) Assessment Services
  • PCI DSS Consulting Services
  • PCI DSS Technical Services (cover Vulnerability Scan, ASV, Penetration Test, Code Review services which are all required by PCI DSS)
  • Payment System implementation and consulting services (together with our system implementation and applications vendors)
  • Payment Card processing Trainings (to all operational functions in payment services operations)

GDPR Privacy Protection Compliance Services

  • GDPR Readiness Checking / Compliance Checking
  • EuroPrise European Privacy Protection Certification Consulting and Evaluation Services
  • Data Privacy Officer (DPO) Outsourcing Services

PCI 3DS Assessment and Consulting Services

  • PCI 3DS Assessment Services (ACS, 3DSS, DS) to the operational security of 3DS relevant systems.
  • PCI 3DS Consulting Services to the operations of ACS, 3DSS,DS, 3DS SDK
  • PCI 3DS Technical Services (cover Vulnerability Scan, TLS Inspections, Penetration Test, Code Review services which are all required by PCI 3DS)

Information Security Technical Services

  • Vulnerability Scan (including ASV Scan)
  • Code Review (White Box Test)
  • Penetration Test (Black Box Test)
  • Personal Data Scan
  • Wireless Scan

Contact us – Secure Vectors Information Technologies Inc. Pte. Ltd.

Beijing Office

Address: 601, 6F., No. 15, Wanquanzhuang Road, Haidian District,
          Beijing City, China
Phone: +86 185-11565908
Email: service@securevectors.com

Taipei Office

Address: 7F., No. 103, Nanjing E. Rd., Zhongshan Dist.,     
          Taipei City 104707, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Phone: +886 2-3393-1006
Email: service@securevectors.com


LA Office

Address: 10 Corporate Park, Suite 330 Irvine CA 92606
Phone: +1 650-209-2716
Email: service@securevectors.com

Singapore Office

Address: 10 KALLANG AVENUE #05-17, APERIA, SINGAPORE 339510
Phone: +65 9677-7615
Email: service@securevectors.com